Legal Zone Limited is a professional legal service provider that offers Commissioner for Oath services to individuals and businesses. A Commissioner for Oath is a person who is authorized to administer and witness oaths, affirmations, and declarations. They play an important role in legal proceedings, as many legal documents require a sworn statement or an affirmation from a credible witness.

Legal Zone Limited has a team of qualified Commissioners for Oath who are recognized by the Law Society of Ontario. They are authorized to administer oaths and affirmations for a wide range of legal documents including affidavits, statutory declarations, passports, visa applications, and consent letters.

Commissioner for Oath services offered by Legal Zone Limited include:

  1. Swearing Affidavits: Affidavits are statements made under oath or affirmation and are commonly used in legal proceedings. Legal Zone Limited’s Commissioners for Oath can help individuals swear affidavits and ensure that they are legally valid.
  2. Statutory Declarations: A statutory declaration is a formal statement made under oath or affirmation, and is often used to verify facts in legal proceedings or for administrative purposes. Legal Zone Limited’s Commissioners for Oath can help individuals complete statutory declarations accurately and legally.
  3. Passport and Visa Applications: Legal Zone Limited’s Commissioners for Oath can help individuals apply for passports and visas by completing the required documents and verifying their identity.
  4. Consent Letter for Children Travelling Abroad: When a child travels alone or with only one parent/guardian, a consent letter is required from the absent parent/guardian. Legal Zone Limited’s Commissioners for Oath can help individuals prepare and sign consent letters, ensuring that they are legally valid.

In conclusion, Legal Zone Limited’s Commissioner for Oath services are an essential component of their legal services. With their team of qualified Commissioners for Oath, individuals and businesses can be assured that their legal documents are legally valid, accurate and in compliance with the law.